More extensive information about the features of this site is available in the “Technical Approach” and “Editorial Policies” sections of the static content.  Those who wish to get right to the marginalia are advised to begin on the Home page.  Technical difficulties having to do with an overabundance of data have required disabling the previous pathways into the marginalia.  Previously, there were three ways to get to the images: “Explore Library” offered a browsable view of the spines of books whose marginalia has been added to the site, with the order of spines determined randomly with each view; “Volumes” took you to an alphabetized list of all books whose marginalia has been added to the site ; and “Authors” led to an alphabetized list of all authors whose books have been digitized so far.  All links now lead to same, temporarily truncated interface, “Find Marginalia.”  Once here, you are invited to download the complete project metadata to date.  You will be able to sort and filter this data however you like on your own computer.  Once you identify a particular example of marginalia that interests you (perhaps as a result of the transcription in column X), you will be able to search for the associated image file by entering the file name from column O into the “Search here” box.  Mill Marginalia Online is in the process of searching for funding to enable a full site redesign and a return to more expansive functionality.  In the meantime, we ask for your patience and hope that direct access to the project metadata and ability to review page images will still support your work.